Tuesday, 16 May 2017

How to draw Bugs(Ladybird) with Adobe Illustrator? (Step by step) (Part 12)

You can read tutorial no. 11 at:  

We will continue our tutorial to draw a Ladybird. Please go through tutorial no. 10 and you can find the ladybird's head and the body combined together.

Now, we need to complete the ladybird's body by put the legs that we drawn before. 
Before we combine the legs with the ladybird's body, first we must matching the size. Otherwise, it will be so weird. The leg must be smaller and off course, we need to make it 6 legs for the insect. Now we will reduce the leg but this time we will learn something new method to reduce our drawing in Adobe Illustrator. In tutorial before, we used Scale Tool to reduce and enlarge our drawing but in this tutorial, we will using Free Transform Tool to make a same things.

Where is the tool? Actually, it's just under the Scale Tool (see below).

How we want to use the tool? Just select the leg. Then choose the Free Transform Tool. The blue line box (guide) will appear (see below).

You can see 6 small white box aroud the blue line box. Press the Shift key at your keyboard and do not lift your finger. Go to the 6 small white box (choose only one box) and drag out/in. Your drawing will be enlarge/reduce in propotion.


To Be Continue...


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